Brain is a super computer for us. This will only be true when we know how the brain operates. If we know the skill to utilize our brain effectively, we can make everything we learn stays in our memory for a long time.
Actually we started to learn since we were in the womb. While in the womb, fetuses can hear everything that is going on outside of it. Besides that, it also able to learn and remember what it hears. For example, baby recognizes the voice of his/her mother. That is why newborns will stop crying when they hear their mother’s voice.
The other ultimate prove that makes our brain a super computer is our ability to learn and remember language. We learn how to talk by listening to other people talking around us. That is why our mother tongue or the language we speak depends on the community that we were raised by.
One way to learn and remember longer is to practice the thing we learn again and again. Same as language, we speak the same language almost every minute of our life. That is why we never forget what words to say.
Besides practice we must have a great focus on the things that we want to learn. Without focus all that we learn will be a short termed memory. For example when ask someone for about his or her phone number, we only remember the number temporarily if we do not take note of it. This is because there is no focus in remembering it. We just use it to call at that certain time only.
There are many other ways that we can do to be able to remember all that we have learned. There is this one book that I have read recently which is, “Learn Faster & Remember More” written by ‘David Gamon, PH.D & Allen D. Bragdon’. In this book we can find out when we first start learning and remembering. It also tells us that when we were young the brain is at its most efficient state and it will deteriorate when we get older. To get to know how to learn faster and remember it, this book is the best source or should I say the best starter for us to read.
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